World Atlantis
Completed Projects
Completed Projects
Constructed with high technology in Kurtkoy, World Atlantis is one of the most assertive projects of Atlantis. World Atlantis, which was designed by Atlantis engineers, stands out with its modern architecture unlike the classic shopping center understanding while offering living spaces suitable for different tastes. Stores are divided into floors according to the related sectors in World Atlantis. The storage areas are of varying sizes and can be combined to create functional areas.
70,000 m2 closed area
52,500 m2 Mall closed area
22,000 m2 rentable area
Parking lot for 250 vehicles and garage for 1,000 vehicles
7 movie theaters with XpanD 3D movie screenings
with a total capacity of 1,070 people
Entertainment sections for kids
Indoor and outdoor cafes, fast food areas
Supermarket of 2,600 m2
Comfortable and spacious design with direct daylight
Banks, pharmacies and shops catering to various service sectors
Intelligent air conditioning systems, CCTV cameras and recording systems.
While offering delicious tastes with the outstanding restaurants, cafes, and bars in it, World Atlantis provides its visitors with delighting moments with its unique terrace view and special winter garden.
A professional management and counseling company with quality and experience equivalent to world standards exclusively conducts the management of World Atlantis Mall in a way that is maximizing the benefit for all stakeholders.
World Atlantis also changes the understanding of life with different alternatives it offers. In the blocks rising above the shopping center, Home-Office style apartments, where Residence service is also provided, offer the opportunity to do business at home and experience the comfort of home in the office.